Friday, May 4, 2012

Seller has some secret

We should never 100 percent trust the seller. Because most seller has incentive to sell you something tangible, intangible, service or idea. They are always bias to promote good thing. Not a single seller would tell you about competitor product's product is better even if it is true. If they are honest and don't want to lie, they will choose to avoid talking about the bad thing. In the end, customer will only get information about the good thing about the product.

We should not rush to make decision even if we are so attracted to the talking of the seller or broker. Research, verify, ask around who has experience, competitor, to get wider perspective, before making our owned decision.

P/S: seller can be anyone, like advertiser, direct seller, broker, investment agent, banker, business owner, property owner, politician, friends, unknown crowd etc.

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