Monday, October 3, 2011

Idea Wall

In my office, recently set up an idea wall where people can write their idea on the wall. Because of the tightly control organization structure, busy personal work schedule that not encourage idea free flow generating, this create a platform for people to express their long compressed mind. The respond is very good indeed.

Most of the idea I feel is very good. With careful planning, those can really streamline the design, create new demand and transform the company.
Some idea is physical where we can know what is the product, some are concept, some are just plain desire.

Connecting dot is what the great leader need to do. How to consolidate ideas to create products that fit into company value? What the leader see in the future? Where are the demand? How can this improve people life? How can this product change the world? In order to change the world, how to market the product to create demand?

Idea is a lot easier when say than done. It require leader to spend time thinking, collaboratiing with staff, taking risk. We might fail and lost opportunity time and opportunity cost, but I think what we gain is unity, strong spirit among all involved staff, and most importantly, learning from mistakes.

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