Wednesday, August 10, 2011

US Fed to keep interest rate low until 2013

US fed to keep interest rate low until 2013 is buying time for global economy recoveries.
I think US will only play on monetary tools, and no more fiscal stimulus as there is debt ceiling agreement there.

US people still on going deleveraging process, which means no increase in spending.
With the current high employment rate, i guess probably they hope that low interest rate will encourage business spending among US companies, subsequently hiring more people and reduce employment rate, which subsequently increase spending among US people.

There will be not much growth for US company to search for in US considering dire economy situation in US. They only can search for growth outside US. Many multinational company generate around half of their profit outside US.

Perhaps with low interest rate, US maintain slow growth while emerging market catch up on their domestic economy, then we will see whether 2 years is enough to buy sustainable global recovery or not.

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